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Friday, January 30, 2009

Okay without wasting time here's some pics of the outing my family had on the holiday. :D Outdated pun tkpe la. Salkan dapat post. hahahaha. I still enjoyed it even without my cousins around. :D Nvrmind. There's always a next time. :D Okay till here then. And Iqah! Gbr better gimme on wednesday tau. Buhbye.takecare aites? :D

aiman posted at 5:13 AM • comment?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yes ah just now mdrsh. :D HAHAHAH. Boring siol. Mendak giler. And yes I been told time and time again to cut my hair. And I still won't cut my hair. Sorry ah,but this is my last year in mdrsh,and I've waited for this hair to grow for a year. I'm not gonna waste it just like that. Call my mum complain to her. She wouldn't bother. hahaahah. SHe knows I'm big enough to think. Come on it's just long hair. No big deal. :D hahahah. Mudirah baru ke tk ape aku kisah. You are not cutting my hair. Lepas NS I'm not keeping my hair so I'll keep it for now. While I can,ustazah perempuan mane faham? At least U can keep longer hair and tie it. U see any guys working with ponytails hairr? No rite? So spare a thought. I noe u want to place discipline ah. But come on I'm in poly already. Cut some slack. :D And Yes Tasha Happy Birthday to you once again. hahahaha. :D Stay happy aites.? Tkmo masam2 muke tu. Tk bagus. :D Although u didn't spend ur birthday with ur special person, ur family is still there. :D Sempat bwk gi due tempat lagi. Aiseyman. Lucky girl. Kalau la birthday aku gitu. Happy giler. :D Yes ah! I'm looking forward to liveandloaded. :D HAHAHAHAH. Let's see how local bands are. :D Okay then till here people. :D
xoxo(as wat iqah says hahahaha) :D

aiman posted at 6:10 AM • comment?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

If there's ever one thing I have in common with my elder brother it's playing games. Especially Halo. :D Halo 3 gerek! Sungguh tk ku sangka. hahahaha. If I have nothing to do I would watch with him and eventually I was holding the controller myself and playing co-op with him. For some reason, we can cooperate with each other while playing games but we can't cooperate with each other in real life. Weird huh? Ahhh...okay. Eh,Tasha u say u go online....tk online2 pun. Apadah. Oh yeah,Happy Birthday in Advance aite? Dah 18 sey itu budak. Have fun on your birthday tmr. :D Enjoy no matter what. :D Me still long way to go to 18. :D Enjoy ur weekends people and Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai. :D To non-chinese,enjoy ur holidays. :D Go beach,go cycling, go anywhere u want. hahahaha. As long as u r happy. :D Goodbye people. Takecare aites? :D

you were there.

aiman posted at 7:33 AM • comment?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Heard this one before? Classic one. My friend thought he saw me but it was a false alarm.Mati ingatkan aku kat mrt padahal aku kat skola. abeh tk percaye aku ni. Aiseyman ni melamine boy mintak kene tapak sulaiman tau. hahahaha. Eh,guys want meet up some time? Dah lamer tk jumpe korang semue. Rindu mase2 bodoh kite la. hahahahah. Yes ah. Should I go into Panjy? Nak tu nk. But commitment plays a really big part. Also, I'm thinking of joining outside percussion group. Wahhhh, so many commitments. :( I should not over commit myself. But these are the things that I want to do. How long have I not been learning new songs? Hmm....freaking one month.!! Shit. Must learn new songs. :D Yes ah! We did hand up the psycho project on time. Alief and Iqah we need to practice to the presentation. Alief kau dtg presentation selekeh aku sebat kau. Ah, I watch the open house peformance on Youtube thanks Shafiq and Man Blanc for uploading it. :D Samba was nice ah. Except aku notice something. Aku byk goyang badan sia. Especially my shoulders.Suar ah. I guess i was a bit nervous. Abeh aku nyer rolling pendek pulak. Not ten seconds. Hmm.....Must improve on my techniques also. :D According to Roland. Yeah I will try to put more movements. :D U have my word. Dikir aku tahu aku hancur tapi nasib pak karut block aku. hahahahah. Save sikit aku. Nk nyanyi pun semput2 dari samba nyer peformance so i couldn't give my all. Sorry aite guys.? I'll buck on in the next peformance. WHich hopefully doesn't clash with samba peformance. hehehe. :D Okay then. Buhbye people. :D Takecare aites.?

aiman posted at 7:54 AM • comment?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Have u ever heard of the abbreviation vvip? I know I haven't until yesterday during the peformance. hahahaha. I need to buck up on my english and the weird abbreviations that people use. haha. :D Yes ah, psychology project all done. Tapi tkleh write on disc. !!#$%@@$&!!!!! Crap shit! Nvrmind there's still half an hour more to the deadline. Till then. Wish me luck! Buhbye :D Takecare.

aiman posted at 11:19 PM • comment?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Yeap2. Peformance for Dikir barat is hours 3 hours away and honestly I can't sleep. Fuck! Crap shit! Yeah I know I'm the only one that fail so stop rubbing in the wound la dey. Bloody Pork chop. :D Oklah. I must learn to calm myself down and I 'm cutting down on ccas. To study for sem exam if not I confirm fail and retain 1.2. And I don't want that to happen. :D

aiman posted at 11:22 AM • comment?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Woohoo! :D Life is full of surprises. hahahahah. I mean it. And I'm blur. hahahaha. Mr Sukumar u wait for next week. My circuit can work. :D I'll prove it to u. hahahah. Yay! PST ade show tapi suke bilang last min satu training pun tk ade ade show baru. Masyaallah. Ni Cynthia sal tkmo bilang siang sikit? Asek last min je. Quite irritating at some times. nvrmind. Can't complain much. :D Okay then. Here a song from Bobby McFerrin. Enjoy. :D

Dont Worry, Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin

aiman posted at 8:42 AM • comment?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hey there people. How are you doing? I hope u r doing fine even after the o-level results. Maths results I've heard a lot from my friends wasn't that satisfying for some. Dun blame yourself, the syllabus changed. They added in more A maths topic. Plus the time for o-level was nearer meaning less time to study. And more cramping the syllabus. Anyway,those who are going to anywhere it's good as long as you don't stop studying it's good enough. :D ITE is also good. :D Dun worry, Be happy. You live only once. Live to the fullest. With good things I guess. hahahaha. What's the meaning of a friend? Do figure that out and tell ur answers in my tagboard or leave a comment. :D Positive a nd negative both accepted. :D But I'll be optimistic bout it. Goddbye people. Enjoy your weekends. :D takecare aites! :D

aiman posted at 8:42 AM • comment?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Yes ah Chingay 2009 going to start soon. :D I'm looking forward to it. :D Good luck to the people who are participating in the Chingay Festival. :D Have fun,smile always. Yes do remind me not to play for both samba and dikir for the next open house peformance. Semput la sia. hahahahaha. Okay people. have dun worry be happy. :D No matter how hard life gets to you,it's not how u fall it's how u get up. :D Takecare aites.

aiman posted at 7:29 AM • comment?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Being in two different worlds. ? How does it feels?Okay. not that bad. hahahaha.When the dikir says Samba is noisy. I can just smile and say nothing because I in the group insulting them is insulting me. When I'm in samba they insult dikir. And once again I smile for the same reason. I dun take sides...if u ask me to make a choice senang je aku kater I quit both I'll join photography. Lagi lepak. bersantai geng. :D hahhah. Those who are reading this just dun ever try to irritate me and ask about my commitment. Cause I do try my best to commit between these two. If the person ask me to quit and commit to that party I would smile and remmain where I am being commited to both parties. I won't budge.:D Jun sorry once again tk gi gig kau. hahahah. Penat ah. Ok lah. till here people. takecarre then .buhbye. :D

I saw u there
I wanted to say hello
But I know just smiling from a distance
Is as far as we can go
and I do treasure that
I know I can't have you
and I wish u good luck

aiman posted at 6:32 AM • comment?
A very hectic week I should say. Seriously.Two ccas with not enough training and jumping around each cca everyday. Crap shit! Commitments.....ayaaapaaa. Penat la siol. Tadi dikir nk nyanyi pun tk breath. Suar ah. Kater kol 1. Baru ingatkan nk lepak dulu. Kat stage hancur.....ragam luper suare tk keluar. Aiseyman. hahahaha. tkpe la it's only a show. hentam sajala. hahaha.Samba's performance on the other hand was okay....including the solo part. hahhaa. Baik ah Imran our first and last time playing Djembe together treasure it. :D Skrg ade budak baru mah. Djembe skola pun belum fixed. Amacam? Nampaknyer kene beli personal nyer la. hehehe. A note those who want to take two ccas choose the right one or u'll be the one suffering. hahahah. Padan muke aku amek due cca. Ok done enough. Aku dah paitao nk gi gig orang. hahahaha. Teroverslept. Sorry ah Jun penat sia. Energy pagi main Djembe kol 8 full. hahahaha. Due jam straight main dgn Im. Penat siol. Pastu lompat gi dikir. Pastu lompat lagi. KNN!!! Lepas due2 performance. Tkde energy. Makan pun malas. balik ape lagi tidor. hahahah. Abeh ade surprise. Aku nyer niece dtg la. Woohoo!!! Cubit time botak! hahahah. Ahhhh.tat botak. Sudah pandai lor. Just a month passed and u've learn a lot of things over there. gooooodddd....... :D Bagus2.

aiman posted at 6:03 AM • comment?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Yeah! I finish my PSPS report finally....after days and days of procastinating. HEHE. I just hope I get through with all the assignments and go to sem2. :D I must not procastinate from this year onwards. I must be the old person I've been before. hahahaha. Dun procastinate at all. I want guitar hero!!! So at least I can vent out a lot of stress on that game. I know it's been long since I've blogged. I miss my online friends. :D Hello to all u people. :D

aiman posted at 7:54 AM • comment?