Saturday, February 28, 2009
Hello world. hahaha. :D Sorry I've been on hiatus mode for quite a while it's because of exams and dikir training. Exams.? haiyoooo. I think I'm gonna rest for a while and start studying again because I have a feeling of taking the supp paper. No kidding. Setinggi2 harapan aku pun confirm amek supp paper. hahahah. This is base on facts ah. nvrmind anything to scrape through to year 2. hahahaha. that's all it takes. :D
As for dikir training is was for the Buluh Perindu Com. Which is tmr. hahahaah. Yeah,only came for few sessions of the training not much cause it was in the middle of main exams. yeah,didn't get selected for the com but nvrmind I can understand. I still have a long way to go. Kathu is also coming and I think I have to prepare for that. :D Good luck for the com guys.! Sorry tk dpt tgk. ok dah. cukup. Byes have a goood weekend. :D Takecares. p.s: i think........
aiman posted at 10:17 AM •
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yes~!I'm dead meat! hahaahah. Exams......okay I'm gonna cut my hair but dunno when and dunno how. hahahah. okay dah bye. :D Goooooood luck for ur P1. ;) listen to this song it's nice. :DShafiq recommended this. thanks bro. :Dlove getaway - Love jets
aiman posted at 10:18 AM •
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wosssshh! :D Mdrsh was nice. Discussed about Haji. Coolios! The miracles that can happen over there. :D Very interesting. Now i feel like going to Haji but no I wan to send my parents first insyallah kalau sempat. Especially my dad he must go...stop him from lying. hahahaha. Bagi sedar sikit.Wahhhh,for the first time I actually studied hahahahah. The whole sem is being cramped into one week. tsk3. I shouldn't be doing this man. hahahaha. And I'm getting a bit sick. hahahaha. Yessah! :D Alright nothing much to blog about. So everyone who having their papers tmr or next week.Goooood luck! :D Be calm take a deep breath. :D Takecare. And you....see u soon aites? :D
aiman posted at 8:00 AM •
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ok go! Happy Valentine's day to all couples out there. :D For those who spent it at ur partner or spent it with ur family. The main thing is u spent it with someone important. :DMy day was spent at my Grandmother's house. :D Wahhhh,I miss nenek! hahahaahah. :D Nvrmind nenek masih boleh lari marathon. hahahaha. :D Khairul kau eh mentang2 nenek baru balik hospital dah boleh jalan sikit kau ckp dier boleh lari marathon. Perangai suar ah. hahahah.My trip to nenek's house was cut short because fifi was coming to the house. Weeeee!!! Yessah! Makin tembem ah ni budak. :D Oh yeah, the second and the third pic is her and she is just 3 months old. :D And she's a girl. Not a boy ah. DOn't be deceive by that botakness. hahaahah. That baby ah clever. One moment she was crying,the other moment I wanted to take a pic she would keep quiet. hahahah. After taking the pic she would cry again. hahahah.The top pic is my nephew yeah he not living with my sis he adopted by other people so yeap can't contact with his family much. He is also a nice nephew. I miss him. His aggresiveness with me. hahahah. Alright enough bout my anak sedare. :D Hope u people out there enjoy ur Valentine's day. :D Okay buhbye...takecare people. :Dp.s..............................................................
aiman posted at 7:21 AM •
Friday, February 13, 2009
Today is Friday the 13th! :D Woohooo!!!! Hahahaahahah. So far no unlucky incidents. hahahha. :D I didn't know is was friday the 13th till after prayers when i was paying for mum's bill. I saw the date which is very big to not notice it. hahahaha. Yeah,on the way to the interchange I saw Taufiq. Wahhhh,the best giant friend I've had ever. hahaha. :D Really my OBS course group was with him. And we were up to mischevious deeds throughout the camp. hahaha. :D Bro, tkpe ah masuk ite lepas tu boleh masuk poly. Lepak. :D Tu ah sec 5 main2 lagi. And he starts going to the gym. hahahaha. Buat ku nk gi gym je. hahaahah. Tkpe2 insyallah holidays. :Dhahahaha. No motivation ah. Someone force me go gym. hahahaha.
Woohoo! Friday the 13th is bonding time with my bro. :D HEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Played games co-op. :D Fun2. hahahahah. Game bodoh pun co-op. hahahaha. Orite nothing more to blog about. Except that I'm addicted to msging someone. hahahaha. U know who u are. :D Alrighty then. Bye people. :D Takecares aite? :D Have a good week ahead. :D Exams are nearing and submissions are also the same. Gooood luck! With it all. And you I've yet to tell u the ideas. hahahaha. Soon aite? :DOkay done. :D
aiman posted at 6:59 AM •
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wahhhh. Today was awesome! :D Partly because someone actually made Esther quiet. hahahaha. Seriously man. The teacher was irritated. And what did he say? "So you're trying to prove that ure fat!?" Aiseyman the moment of truth. hahahah. Take that. Who ask you to be irritating?My day was awesome also because I met someone with the very last min thing. Didn't plan anything. hahahah. But still it's fine. :D For me. I dunno bout you. U had fun? I noe last min and we didn't do anything much so yeap sorry bout that aite? And work on those Eyebags! hahahah. Better be sleeping now. haha. It's nice hanging out with ya. :D Would like it to happen again. hahahah. But after my exams and your final submission aites? Tu enjoy giler! hahahaha :D And also I have to find work. hehe. Any vacancies anyone? hahaha. :D Next time must plan first. But my plans don't usually work so heck with it. hahahah. Last mins hangouts again. :D Eh2 gooooood luck for your psychology cds. Need any textbook can borrow mine. :D Tk yah beli. Beli sakit hati. hahahahah.Allright,till here oh yeah the pics at the top are pics of my psychology class. And my face is asking for a beating. hahahaha. :d Bye2 people. takecares. And you sleep well. :Dp.s. Should I or should I not perform for Panjy this upcoming com? Hmmmm.....We'll see how. :D
aiman posted at 9:28 AM •
Monday, February 9, 2009

Allright. Time for blogging. :D How's my sunday? It was nice. Apart from finishing my computer programming. :D Thanks wan. :DBut today was fucked up. Seriously. The programme works and teacher asked alot of questions yg tk munasabah. Crap ah ni cikgu Korea nk orang fail kepe?! Fuck man. Aku dah explain yg btol...the straight forward answer that he wanted and he keeps on asking why repetitively. And I answer wat he wanted. Then he stratch his head. Wow! thanks ah. And he said don't go around the bush. Answer straight. Isn't that wat I've been doing since the start? Ur the one who keep asking why?! Crap! Fucking shit!Exams are two weeks away and I want to start studying. :D Oh yeah,just now a PSPS activity was quite interesting. I noticed that my life has a lot of downs than ups. And there hasn't been a really big incident tat made me really happy. wow! I need to find something to make me feel really happy. :D Pronto! hahahaha.Those things at the top makes me happy. :D Hahahahah. okay buhbye. takecares. :D
aiman posted at 8:09 AM •
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Hellllllllllos! :D hahahaha. Today was freaking busy for me. First off. Market in the morning with mum. And halfway through the market I remembered there's a Psycho Test. hahahaha. Screwed ah. Went back home....studied only two chapters which came out for the short answer questions. Oh yeah!!! Last min studying really is working for me. hahahaah. But not for main exam. main exam must study first. :D Intelligence question okay,Personality is also fine. :D But I forgot to place a fact. Dang! Nvrmind. But my multiple questions. hahahaha. Sape2 yg tahu diam eh. hahahahah. Secret :D After that went to Ramli's house to return his Djembe. First confident naik 15. Ingatkan nk turun kat Alkaff tapi penat tunggu next bus stop. Skali 15 jln straight dah. Dah kene patah balik. Freaking shit. Then found the right busstop to take 22. :D Thanks ah Zyra for the info. Kalau tk aku dah sesat gi mane entah. hahahaha. So from Serangoon went to Changkat CC where training was happening.? hahahah. Yeah short of manpower ah. But in the end the rest met us there at Fengshan CC. Wokay we played kepale Cicak Taufiq fetish song. hahahaha. Asek jam lagu kepale cicak. Apadah kau steam kepale cicak buat pe? Performance was done. And I had not eaten since morning which was at 10 until 11 malam. Balik pun lauk dah habis. Maggi pun maggi la salkan dapat alas perut. :D Freaking hungry i tell u. My stomach was begging for food already. Shit head tk provide kan makan. Damn the CC hahahaah. And tmr will also be another hectic day I guess....? With mdrsh and going to school to finish my comp progamming. :D Thankiu wan for helping aites? Kau jadi cikgu sudah. Sajak ah. Until wat time I'm not so sure. :D So yeah no ccas this week and I'll be able to study.....woohoo! Oh yeah! :D Okay I'm done. I'm tired and I'm still hungry hahahaha. Wat do u expect? How did u think I get this big anyway? hahaha :D Buhbye people. takecare aites? :D Enjoy ur weekends hope it's not hectic as mine. :D
aiman posted at 9:05 AM •
Friday, February 6, 2009
I got my MINDEF registration form just now. :D Woohoo!!! hahahaah. Mcm happy je nk gi NS. NOT! hahahaha. Ahhhh crap those shitty commands. Those sergeants shouting crap at us. tsk3. Tk baik maki2. hahahahah. Okay Psycho test tmr. Crap shit! I'm so dead. And after that I have to go to Serangoon to return the Djembe of Ramli. Mmmmmm...hahahaha. Penat ah nk gi serangoon. Malas beb. Abeh naik bas lagi. Tkpe aku "KALAU" dah ade motor hidup senang. hahhaah. :D Okay plans on saving money to buy Djembe is on. Must find work again. :( hhhahaha. Keje cargo jugak bes. FEDex we live to deliver. :D We'll see how things go eh? But I noe I want to buy one. Kalau tk skrg,nanti. hahaha. :D Okay dah here's some pics on the presentation of psycho tat time. :D Alep step tutup muke aku bagi tapak sulaiman satu baru tahu. hahaha.

Okay done. Bye people! takecare :D Wissssssh me luck. :D
aiman posted at 8:09 AM •
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Woohoo! Training no more!!! hahahahaah. Lepas beban di hatiku. hehe. Penat ah gi training. Rest well and time to study godamit! hahahaha :D Must pass! Tadi ah training dikir.....turun ingatkan aku lbt skali dtg tgk tkde orang. Tk ke sakit hati? Few mins later anas dtg. Okay ah. Pastu Sufi. Last tk ramai orang dtg. Pastu tgk cite iron ladies 2 kat library. hahahah. Best ah. Abeh part bes,library is closing. Shit i must go watch again ah. FUn2. hahahaha. :D Last keluar, tkde keje. Bukak card. hahahaah. Depan library jugak ah.hahaha. malas nk jalan nyer pasal. Kat situ la main taiti. :D Tkde keje sampai kol 10 gi habibie. Makan. Yogi kau eh.....diam2 duduk satu corner. hahaha. Tkmo ckp asal kau ckp je orang ketawe sal orang ketawe je kau ckp. hahahaha. Bagus2 at least malam ni aku meriah sikit. :D My dad is addicted to games. hahahaha. First ckp one hour of play is enough....kalau dier main...the whole sunday pun boleh. hahahahah. Dad i told u u gonna get hooked to games. One hour is nvr enough. Unless main mengarut ah. hahahahaha. Okay people lab test tmr! :D Woohoo! Mr Sukumar murtabak one! hahahahaah. Okay people. byes. takecare aites? :D
aiman posted at 9:10 AM •
People if u can't load the video at this site then go to this link. All the videos are there. Sorry for the inconvinience aite? I also dunno wat's the problem. hahahah. Just go watch it at Youtube. And leave a comment aite? ( :D
aiman posted at 3:19 AM •
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wahhhhh!!! My first try at playing a
surdo was freaking awesome.!!!! :D Fun2.....:D
Dah ah, my new year resolution(quite late one) to learn as much instruments as possible. :D For the new samba beat I think I want to play the
surdo cause
Djembe aku penat.
hahahahaha. And for the new
Reggae beat I'll be playing the
Reggae nyer beat is always relaxing. :D hahahahah. My type of music. Except for the part break 2. hahahahaah. I remember my part. Do u? hehe. Surdo was fun. Kinda of something really new to me. If there's no tempo....die la. hahahaha. And like Haikel I dunno y i got blisters. hahahaha. I was washing my hand just now and saw this little thing on my finger. hahahah. No complains Aiman. Playing the Djembe u had no complains bear with the surdo also. :D Can2. :D Haikel u have some of the bandage thingy u used? hahahah. I need it! :D And surdo melenguhkan tangan. For me ah. but with practice I can improve. Yes I can. :D hahaha. Wan thanks for teaching me how to do the lab. Dfund the best lab ever. :D hahaha. Upon reaching home,I was hungry...cooked a packet of maggi. Left it there and watch tv with family cucuku sayang beb. Best of the best! hahahaha. Tgk tv maggi tk lyn....10 mins later...terhidu bau maggi. Baru teringat. hahahahah! Bes tgk dah kembang seh maggi. Kembang giler,abeh soup dier hampir2 kering. hahahah. :D Bes ah. Aiman bes ah....masak maggi 10 mins. okay buhbye people. takecare aites? :D
aiman posted at 8:08 AM •
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Okay one more thing(imitating uncle).......hahahaha. Bloco Singapura was freaking awesome! Can? hahahahah. Fun2 probably the most kecoh contigent on Chingay 2009. :D Support Bloco Singapura people! :D hahaha. And I have no more ideas. hahahah. Hmmmm.....Bloco Singapura had a lot of surprises for me....sebab I didn't expect the contigent to be that big. And the more people there is the merrier it is. Shafiq said tgk bes,main pun bes....hahahaha yelah2. Insyaallah. I can't say anything for now aite? Bean,lu baik ah....hahaha. :D And Hydil.....kau mcm biase jugak hahahahah. Shafiq was having so much fun I've never seen him move like that before. Jufri! Ni budak ah.....rambut dier.....hahahah. Aku potong jugak rambut dier tau. tapi rambut palsu. hahahhha. Mane la kau dapat tu rambut? Then I saw ela and Fizah also. Smiles always. :D And ela I didn't come alone. Plan to come alone...tapi kwn last min ikut. hahaha. :D Yussie even if I didn't saw u...u were still part of Bloco Singapura and also some of the other friends which I didn't expect to see u guys there. hahahah. So keep up the good work aites? :D Don't ever stop doing wat u love to do. :D Takecares. :D
aiman posted at 4:33 PM •
It's been long sinced I blogged. I guess I've been busy with school. heh. Wat happen is the last weekend? Hmmmm....I just went to Chingay 2009 with initially no one....then last min everyone was asking me whether they can follow or not. Of course u can. hahahah. Be my guest. :D Yes Hafiz I noe u like my display pic. hahaha. Had a great time at Chingay with sotong girl there....and shouting to my ears. Thanks eh. hahahah. And don't pull my hair la dey. Surprisingly,Zyra was there also. Y? Because sotong brought here along. After Chingay sotong got curfew so she and Zyra and her friend went home. While me and the guys,find some spot to eat then camwhored...I dunno y it just happened. hahahahah. It's weird i tell u. So yeap,Khairul(my cousin) got a course in TP business course lagi. Good for u. hahahaha. But he wants to wait for the other result,which I dunno wat to get aerospace. Good luck ah bro. See u in TP! :D Yes ah....this week is full of quizzes and I'm screwed. :( With exams coming up I really need to start studying. Crap! Okay I lazy to upload my pics here,so if u want to see videos and pics of the last weekend I's the link.( Enjoy! Have a good week aite people. Takecares. :D
aiman posted at 4:17 PM •