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Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've definitely hit rock bottom. Should I quit or not eh? I mean dah memang lamer ah but I dunno y I'm still not quitting. Cause probably there's no more samba left? And I feel empty? After an orientation with Adventure club it looks fun. I mean really really really. U look at the pictures. Then teringat zaman OBS. Gayrek! hahahah. Serious sia. Bes seh. Long time since I've had that feeling ya know. It's nice to have those feelings once again in poly. Confirm lagi gayrek :D hahaha.

I've been spending time too long with malays in poly. I just realized that. How many chinese dude or dudettes do i know? Can be counted by hand. My gosh! I need to socialize with other races. hahaha. Adventure club is a start. A lot of chinese. Sumpah. hahahah. Good ah. Just now orientation the lecture was freaking full sampai duduk kat tangge kat depan space. Tu pun masih ade orang lagi nk masuk. tsk. Dikir is nice. But commitment is really a big issue for me. I join cca to have fun. lepak. Yes u have to be serious at times. but dikir selalu serious. I dunno y ah.At least for me it is. Adventure club looks promising. Fun and wat I like to do. hehehs. ;) ok dah bye. I'm getting headaches. Fuck! Takecares. See u people on thursday.! =D

p.s. I don't know how should I react happy for you or dissapointed for me after hearing the news

aiman posted at 12:12 PM • comment?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I hate wednesdays. Seriously. hahahaha. Wake up at 8 for a freaking lab that requires alot of sharp eyes. hahahaha. 8 in the morning. Half awake. Not aware of the surroundings. And we have to patch up a circuit with a lot of wires. Kiwak,buat sembarang sia. Nasib dapat work. hahahaha. Yes,two more irritating things that really made my fucking morning. First of all,I was buying rice,cutlet rice and the person behind me ordered the same thing. When my plate came out it was half the usual serving. I ask the auntie "Cik,sal sikit cik?" Her answer. Recession ah. Then came the best part the person behind me had the normal serving. Not half not any seving smaller. The right size. Aku tgk makcik mcm nk maki je. Cibai aku bayar 3 dollar mcm dier abeh aku dpt sikit serving. Apa sia? Kalau nk serve kecik sikit. At least 2 or 3 person behind me ah. Ni tk depan2 mate aku sia. Perangai.

Lagi satu,cik tu jugak. K the same situation except that she was asking whether I and him want cloeslaw or not.I nodded and he also nodded. And her remark was.."bisu kepe korang ni,tkde mulut ke?" Fuck! Ni makcik tk syg mulut sia. Aku pagi2 dah bad mood dgn lab abeh ni nk sarcastic. Kiwek dah bagus aku nod tau. Tetap kau faham pe.? Tkde pape masalah pe. Comments keep it to urself ah. Perangai dier dari aku year 1 sampai skrg samer je. Nk buat remark kurangajar je. Dah bagus orang beli kat kedai kau. Jage hati orang. Kalau hati busuk orang tkkn dtg balik. Walaupun kau kedai melayu satu je kat sane.

Aku dah serik ah gi tu kedai. Mcm sial perangai. Fuck.

aiman posted at 9:51 AM • comment?

Monday, April 27, 2009

aiman posted at 11:31 AM • comment?

It turns out Dynamics isn't half that bad. Quite fun. hahahah. The lab that is. Tutorial mendak. hahahah. Too bad cher. Sorry. Aku suke maths class. hahaha. Sebab sikit orang senang nk tanyer cikgu. :D Oh,yeah saw Aisyah just now. Wah,dier pun potong rambut. hahahaha. Bagus2. Wan potong paling power Number 3 g.i. fuhhhh.Aku rindu botak2 gitu. hahaahaah. mase tk yah kai gatsby,save money. hahahah.And aku matrep for the day,thanks ah Farid. haha. Suar.

Looks like I've made a new fren. Gonna be close i guess? hahaha. Namer tetap tk leh pronounce. hhahaha. Panggil bro dah cukup. hhahhaah. Chinese friend. He's nice. And helps alot too. Seriously. hahahah. Bagus2. At least if i dun understand he explains it to me and vice versa for me. best gedegak dier. hahahah. Din,sorry aku tk gi secret recipe interview. Kau pun tk dpt kan? They want full time. tsk3. tkpe ah bro. ade tempat lain. tamp boring ah.

Khairul,in TP. hahahah. :D Congrats badul! Bes tadi aku main follow the leader dgn kau. hahahahaahah. Kau carik aku kat toilet ape kejadah? Nk suruh aku duduk kat tempat tu satu jam lebih tunggu kau? hahahah. Duduk kat sofa ah. Boleh lelap sekejap. hahaha. Good luck ah cca kau. I got nothing to look forward to in TP's cca anymore. Cause it's under big political issues.

And Akmal you don't listen to one side of the story,listen to both then you will noe the situation. Aite? We are under more than just those minor things that u've ever heard of. So yup. Reaction kau terkejut kan? hahahha. I look forward to mdrsh in the sundays cause I've got my jokers there. hahahaah. Sch's cca is just fucked up. No offence. But really it is. okay dah. I gonna do my maths assignment. Byes takecares.

p.s I treasure every single detail of what I'm having now cause I know it's impossible to happen.

aiman posted at 11:02 AM • comment?
Yes! :D Aku suke maulud. hahaha. The best event I had this year. =D Alot of surprises happened. But I love the classics. hahahah. Mat Noh ngan Firdaus pagi2 dah buat aku ketawe. hahaha. no shit. Firdaus,mcm biaser jugak. You don't call him squid for nothing. Imagine,coming to school thinking it was maulud but the real date is next week.? That was what he did last week. hahahahaha. Ni budak nvr fails to make me laugh.haha. And I've nvr heard of anyone taking license early cause they paid extra money. Come on, dun bullshit me. Kalau gitu aku dah buat siang2 siol. hahaha.

Okay, Mat Noh on the other hand was not himself on the maulud. hahahaha. Kene paisey hat trick siol. hahahaha. First was a nice one,we were giving out fliers then came a volunteer bringing a box of the fliers. You noe what he did? He placed his remaining fliers and confidently said "dah habis". hahahah. Perangai aku sia. Padahal the volunteer bwk untuk give out more. hahahaha. Aku dah ketawe2 sia. The volunteer was a girl somemore. Masyaallah. hahahahahah. Malu siolz.

The second one was sedih ah. hahahah. Azhri was taking drinks for us then was passing around. Abeh dier dah hulur tangan. Nk amek air. Skali Wishnu was before him so naturally he would take it first. Mat noh dah open close tangan. hahahaha. Aku tgk ape dier buat? hahaaha. Sedih sak. Third was aku nyer keje. hehehehe. Sorry bro. Aku tk perassan. hahahah. Tk ckp kau nk cuci tangann seh. hahahaha. He did the action once again open close hand. hahahahahah. hat trick ah kau. Good luck ah.

Oh yeah met this cik siti at maulud. Suar korang. Dier bukan scandal ah. Mak orang sia. hahahaha. Dier nk tgk anak dier azan. bende baik tu.rambut aku potong sebab rimas eh? Bukan sebab ustazah pakse. hahaha. And korang lbt sia nk notice. rambut boboi pun tk nampak dari aku ikat rambut hari2 gi mdrsh. hahahahah. Aku regret potong rambut. :( ok dah, alot more things happened at maulud. Too much to say. HAHAHA. But overall we had fun. Which is gooooood. Oh,yeah Panjy got into the finals. Wooo! Congrats! Aku pun terkejut siol. hhahahaa. okay till the next post. :D takecares people.!

p.s you stay strong,kwn2 masih ade untuk kau. Aku tkkn give up on u just like that.

aiman posted at 10:30 AM • comment?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ahhhhhh,bloco Singapura. :D Something to look forward to in the weekend. And maulud. Finally. hahaha. 8AM.! aiyooo. gi skola kol 8 dah mcm badak ape lagi gi bedok.? hahahaha. Badak sembu siak. Bloco Singapura session was super tiring I tell u. But with the help of 3 redbulls. I'm wide awake. And I noe I'm gonna be super tired after the hyperness is gone. hahahaha. Aku jakun nampak bende wheelchair kat bus tu. hahahah.Serious shit. tk pernah nampak langsung. First time siolz. hahahah. Dalam hati aku happy nampak the thing works. hahahaha. =D okay dah. I wanna sleep. byes people. takecares. :D
p.s. You just relax aite??

aiman posted at 8:04 AM • comment?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ahhhh,wat a week. hahaha. Yogi has the best joke ever. Hahahaha. Teringat2 aku biler orang ckp tembok. hahaha. Siol ah yogi. One more joke was Jun's hair. hahaha. Fuck fire drills cause it wouldn't work in Polytechnics. hahahah. trust me too many people too control. When there's a fire people don't stay at a field they run to at least the reservoir. hahhaha. Ada api sape kene bakar dulu? ans: jun! hahaha. because his hair is the most biggest. hahahah. Farid perangai makin suar. Pagi2 antar orang msg. Saper real identity willy wak kau?! hahahahah. Cibai. Pagi2 dah kene mengarut. Suar tol. Punat stop it ah. Kau dari starting sampai skrg punat tetap berkekalan. hahaha. ok done! byes. takecares. ;D I want tmr.! hahaha.

aiman posted at 7:52 AM • comment?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wow,my hair is super short. hahahah.Very very very short. Don;t mock me. It feels good a the wind went through my head. Woooo! Finally. Some wind. =D Tail tk menjadi. Dang! hahahah. Now I'm missing my long hair. hahaha. Semi Afro. Hahs. Rambut school boy ah skrg. hahaha. Tkpe2.

Okay next topic,my timetable is good except that i dun have a cds. A lot of people didn't get a cds. Y eh? Nvrmind I will appeal for it. Even if my week gets any busier. I wan to clear my cds subjects.A.S.A.P. So at least I have one burden off my shoulder. :) Ok dah,new sem new way of life. my new target.

Bloco session was nice. Cume I didn't get the beat. I remember I had the same probloem when learning the raggae beat. But hey I've been practising and at least I get the beat but have to be consistent. So yeap,one week is all there is to practice. Jgn tukar beat lagi sudah. Mampos aku. hahaha. ok dah. bye people. takecares. =D

aiman posted at 9:43 AM • comment?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Well someone Tagged me and I'm supposed to do this survey. So here goes.

1. Who would you want to be tied with for 24 hours?
-Ahhhhhh. "her"?

2.Would you fall in love with a girl that is older than you?
-Been there,just didn't work out.

3.How long do you think you will live?
-Forever please? hehehehe.

4.What would you do with a billion dollars?
-Send mum and dad to haji,and some of it to charity and spend the money. :D

5.Will you fall in love with your best girl friend?
-Nope. Y would I?

6.Which is more blessed,loving someone or being loved by someone?
-Heck both.:D

7.Are you a mummy's child or a daddy's child?
-Used to be daddy's child then changed to mummy's child cause dad always had to work at night. :(

8.Do you wish to get back to the past?
-Why should I embrace the present baby! :D

9.What are you looking forward to right now?
-Making it happen slowly.

10.Who are currently the most important people in your life?
-Hmmmm...family and a new someone?

11.Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done.?
-Yeah sure. I'm like that.

12.What do you really want now?
-To be happy. Cause I'm not.

13.How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
-Hmmm..wow. Probably engaged getting married soon. And taking care of my parents. :)

14.Have you ever played a prank on someone?
-Boy if I could just relieve those days. hahahahah. I miss those fooling around days. =D

15.Do you ever wish you could ever dissappear to save yourself from the pain?
-yeah a lot. Dun ask why.

16.Who has the same birthday as you?
-Hmmm...none I've found so far. hahah. The nearest is Syirain which is on the 25 nov. One day after mine.hehs. tkmo marah hah.

17.If you could have one super power what would it be?
-Ben 10's onmitrix. hehehehe. I'm still a kid, not 18 yet people. =D

18.What is your idea of a perfect relationship?
-Relationship between?

19.With all the heartaches,sacrifices and pain of loving,is it all worth it?
-Some were some were not. So yeap.In the middle baby. :D

20.When you love,do you give your all?
-Hmmmm....I sure would.

Okay dah Ain(haising). hehehe =D

aiman posted at 8:20 AM • comment?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The verdict was in. 4-4. Liverpool gave a good fight but lost in the end. Still I had to respect them. The spirit they had to win it. The will to do anything. Chelsea gave a good fight. Congratulations to them. I wouldn't be surprise if Chelsea or Barcelona wins the Champs league. Man u fans. Don't get cocky. EPL is still up for grabs. We'll fight tooth and nail for it. This is the closest to the EPL title since this years. And I respect them for doing that. For a liverpool fan. Come on it doesn't get any better than now. Rite? Okay, note I don't go berserk in an online agrument. hahahaha. Tkmo pikir korang ckp gitu aku senang marah. Sebab aku tk pay attention langsung.hahhaha. Sorry. Maki la byk2. Aku kaku. Ok dah. I'm proud to be a Liverpool fan. :D Goodbyes. Good luck for ur matches Man u and Arsenal. ;)

aiman posted at 11:14 AM • comment?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hello,hello. :D How are you people? Doing good?I hope so. =) In life there's up and downs. Right now I'm in the downs but no matter. "It ain't over till it's over." -Rocky :D It's not how u fall it's how u get back up. Oh,yeah no worries AIN hahaha. I'm fine. :D Thanks for the concern. ;) Oh,yeah mdrsh was okay. Ustazah spoke about nikah and the girls were very exicted. More than the guys in the class. Which was me,Azhri and MAT noh. hahhaah. Okay I'll be honest I was ignorant when she was explaining it. Seriously. The girls were more interested in it. Seriously. They asked alot compared to us boys. Us boys were ignorant. Talking among ourselves. My gosh! Sorry ustazah. Just not the right topic to talk about...YET! hehehe. I'm 18 this year. Not yet. But still. I have NS I have a diploma to finish. Serve the government. And save alot alot alot of money. Come on,I still haven't repay my parents deeds. I pray that they will live long enough. Marriage? Hmmm....maybe yes maybe no.

Cause I want to make sure that u r the one.

aiman posted at 10:03 AM • comment?

Friday, April 10, 2009

My gosh! Aku benci tampines beb. hahahahaha. Tampines 1 just officially opened. And the crowd I tell u is just horrifying. Nvr in my twelve years living here I've seen a crowd so big. It was like in town,except I was wearing baju kurung(after prayers). hahahaha. Nk top up ezlink card pun susah. Interchange confirm dah pack. I literally had to run abit to separate from the stampede. Gosh! Tampines 1 is gonna give TM and CS a run for their money. hahahah. Good luck to that. Still I'm staying away from these malls until the crowds cool down. :D Oh,yeah Scott got eliminated. Damn! Nvrmind dude u can make a record. Dun give up.!!!!

aiman posted at 11:18 AM • comment?

Monday, April 6, 2009

See the difference? hahahaha. :D

aiman posted at 11:18 AM • comment?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New way of looking at life. Crushes is a no no for now. seriously. i have to control myself. Gain some confidence. Then shall I let myself free. Not expecting anything. I think i shall turn all my love for music. ahhhhhhh. True love. No matter how many different types of music. I'm in love. Except for techno. I just don't get it. sorry aites? hehehe.

I'll wait no matter whatever the outcome is cause I know U've been there always. The face that makes me feel better even after a long hard day,the one who gives me warmth in my heart. :D I misss u. I really do. :(

aiman posted at 10:07 AM • comment?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ahhhhh FUCK IT! Failed maths. Orite,any partners in crime?

aiman posted at 10:29 AM • comment?