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Friday, May 29, 2009

Not going Bloco today. Study for term test! =) Good luck people!!!! Next sem tk jumpe korang lagi. haizzz. have fun for bloco people! Kakak aku kahwin next week? Gosh cepat nyer. hahahah. Ok dah. byes. takecares. =)

aiman posted at 11:03 AM • comment?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
> > Good-natured
> > optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome).
> > Indulges self.
> > Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing.
> > Doesn't
> > like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to
> > be around.
> > Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like
> > rules. Sometimes
> > hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or
> > even tight
> > clothes. Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside
> > and out.

True? Only some. hahahah.

aiman posted at 7:41 AM • comment?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Watch Night at the museum 2!!!!! Yeah! hahahaha. It's nice. It's goood. =D OK dah bye. I wanna go MANIFEST!!!! hahahaha. takecares people. =)

aiman posted at 10:26 AM • comment?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You go through ur old photos and you are bound to find some good memories. =) I miss OBS! hahahaha. Bes ah kayak. Aduhhh. The only way I can relieve that is by AC hahahah. So if there are any water activities aku nk. hahahah. Although I don't noe how to swim. hehehehe. But bes ah serious. Dah lame seh tk kayak. hahahah.And I want to go wide water rafting. =) hahahaha. Best!

aiman posted at 11:31 AM • comment?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Beban MCT dah lepas. !!!! Agaknyer.? hahahaha. Tkpe besok beban u-art pulak. aduhhhhhhh. hahahahh.Reviews. And I thought compositions were over. hahahah. Screw it! Damn! Ok dah bye! Takecares. =)

p.s are majority of the girls like that? seriously. it's sad. They leave u hanging after giving u hope. tsk. nvrmind. that's part of life.

aiman posted at 9:37 AM • comment?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

If ur bored doing work all night watch this video. hhahahah. =)

aiman posted at 10:18 AM • comment?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Peace be upon you people! ;)

aiman posted at 9:07 AM • comment?

This is sweeeeeeeet! =D

aiman posted at 9:05 AM • comment?
Ahhhhh, crap.! Melecet jln mcm king kong. tsk. hahahaha. Dang! Pisang! Nvrmind Currently doing research for MCT and art review for the Singapore art Musuem. Haizzzz.Mabuk kepale buat programming. hahahah. Budak engine la dikatekan. Ape nk buat? Jgn keje aku kene buat programming sudah. Malas siols. Otak gone sia gitu. Practical orite. =) I rather dirty my hands.

Random topic.
Asal aku nk malu sgt? tsk. hahahaha. Ape susah nk jadi friendly? Setakat go to someone smile and say hi. But it seems so hard for me to do. tsk. Anyone? help? hahahah. I need to be comfortable with the person baru senang nk ckp. Not with girls. Girls susah sikit. heh. Kene kenal lamer sikit then aku orite. haiizzzz. Irritating ah aku. hahahaha. Sepak aku sikit. Not u Farid! hahaha. Kau kat workshop dah perangai setan. sakit sia pantat aku. Cibai,cibai. ahahahah.

Alrighty then I'm off to continue my work. Byes. takecares! For those who are sick get well soon aite?

aiman posted at 8:53 AM • comment?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fuck school! hahahah. Ok dah byes. AC dpt free food hahahaha. Gi mampos ah tkde attendance I got 80 cca points already. So ni AC I'm chilling. hehehehe. Fuck sat's bloco session would be at 9. Damn it! nvrmind. All for the sake of the passion. Ok dah bye. takecares. =)

aiman posted at 9:05 AM • comment?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sick=hiatus. heheh. 38.4 what more can u ask for? hahah. Two days mc. But I'm missing out on a lot of things. Shit! Damn2! Wan ajar aku! hheheheh. ok dah bye. kepala mabuk wo.

aiman posted at 10:02 PM • comment?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Yay quizzes week. Woohoo. hahahaha. This time I can't afford to play around cause of the new weightage. tsk. Shall I join fusion percussion? Nahhhh I dun think so. Cause I'm super lazy to go for the interview. Cause it's bullshit. U open a new cca with no one inside it, no support or whatsoever and still want to make interviews for the new ones.? My god. Nk cca ke tk nk ni? U as the instuctor pun nk tk nk turun for each session. Who will lead the new ones? tsk. okay dah enough. hahaha. Yay u-art tmr. 8am. yippeee. hahaha. Still have not done a shit on my design plan. hahahah. Any ideas anyone? ok dah. Nk gi carik ihlam now. hahaha. Byes takecares. mOOOOOOOOO!

Kan aku dah addicted ni lagu. Khairul kau jage kau. hahahaha.

aiman posted at 8:43 AM • comment?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Woooo! Another thursday another day of fun. hehe. Bes ah adventure club. Nvr fails to make to laugh. Thank you people. hahahaha. There was this one part where I had to run giler babi. Last2 sampai tempat dier semput. hahaha. Perangai ah korang suruh aku lari. Dah 2 tahun aku tk lari mcm gitu. Pancit siolz. hahaha. Tug of war, is a game where u are supposed to pull the rope rite? hahaha. Tadi tgh happy2. Tersasul 1,2, PUSH! hahahahah. Caibai. Tk perasaan. Damn.

Wat luck do I have today? U imagine sitting on the ballon and it bursting rite? hahahah. K,that's wat i did to scare my fren. But the freking balloon didn't freaking burst. Wahhhh. Tk leh accept ni. Orang kat belakang dah ketawe. hahaha. Okay,new strategy step on it. Tk work lagi. Aduhhhh. Haikel dah suke ketawe2. hahaha. Suar kau. jage kau. Okay dah,let's just hope AC turns out to be a good thing. :D Ah Iqah! Aku ajak kau dtg tk nk. kan dah miss bes2. hahaha. Orite I'm off to sleep nites. Takecares. 8am tmr. aduh.....

aiman posted at 10:31 AM • comment?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh yeah,first of all sorry to those whom I can't reply ur texts. hahaha. My prepaid is low. If u wanna contact me just tag me here or just text me,if there's a home number calling u then it shall be me. hahaha. Okay dah. Anyone has ideas on what pic shall I do for my mosaic? Damn! I dun have aany ideas. hahaha. Okay done! Byes takecareS.


aiman posted at 10:57 AM • comment?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

As usual mdrsh gayrek! hahaha. Yeah,Mat noh aku feel kau bro. Kahwin? tsk3. mcm2 bende nk pikir. hahahahah. Mat noh dah dgr dgn khusyuk. ahahaha. Actually aku pun samer. Fuhhh,suami kene byk tanggungjawab. ahaha. Okay,not just that ah ade lagi byk bende. Complicated giler. hahaha. Must dgr baru tahu. ok dah. ESOK sch at 12! Wooooo! Oh,yeah babeh.! hahaah. I hate flu babi sebab kene bwk odt or thermometer to skola. hahahaha. Leceh ah. Share2 ah. hahahah.

Ok dah. byes takecares. I dunno i think it's just the way u look at me? yeah.

aiman posted at 9:49 AM • comment?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Oh yeah. I forgot.During the adventure club orientation,there was like this small reunion of primary school mates. ahaha. Taufiq,Chun hua and me were already same mates. Then we saw Syazwan,Dikwan,Ginny and MASTURA. hahahahha. The only ones I remember is Syazwan cause height same dari dulu. aha. Sorry bro. Dikwan muke same tk tukar. Ginny pun samer. Mastura? I dunno her face seems familiar. Name? Not so. hahaha.

My primary sch wasn't a good experience so yeah. I dun remember much. hahaha. Taufiq on the other hand, masyaallah. Satu skola aku rase dier ingat. hahahaha.Serious. He asked alot of names. Some familiar some not. hahaha.He remembered every single thing. Otak binatang siak. hahahaha. Made a new friend Haiqal. hahaha. Dah 5 haiqal aku kenal. tsk3. Mabuk kepale gue. Dier perangai pun mcm aku. Tapi low profile sikit. hahahah.

Okay I'm looking forward to Adventure club cause ade kwn lamer. :D Bes! Jiwe primary school. ok dah. I want my weekends already.! Bloco and Mdrsh. ;)

aiman posted at 11:48 AM • comment?