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Thursday, September 24, 2009
Time passes by when ur having fun. rite? Or u have alot of chores to do and spend ur time doing all those things and suddenly a day has passed. It's scary how fast time passes by so yeah. Skrg dah nk satu minggu semenjak raya. Fuhhhh. Cepat nyerrrrr. hahaha. Just now I went to FP which was okay cause I was super hungry. hahah. And start ah mengarut nyer. hehs. Sorry iqah kau jadi mangse aku satu malam. heheheh. Next time aku tk buat lagi I think. hahahah. Tk nk aku lapar kau letak makanan situ. Biar aku senyap2 makan and buat kerje. heh. =)Sunday, September 20, 2009
Selamat hari raya kepada anda sekalian. =) Maaf zahir dan batin. hehs.Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hey ho! hehs. Maaf dah lamer tk post. Saye busy and school holidays kan? Duduk kat rumah je. Mendak geng nothing to do. But at least there's Sambateria every friday night. =) Oh yeah iftar with my sec sch buddies just now. Woooo! Best! I gotta say I really did miss them and their crazy antics every single day. Poly life is just weird la. Cause I'm youngest and yeah usually the youngest is the person who can be kicked around and not be serious with. That's exactly what's happening to me. Being treated like a kid. I mean in sec sch it was fun even though there was this age gap,we bonded kalau tk byk sikit pun cukup. Now it's like none. I feel empty. Even if I tried talking I will be ignored. Didn't expect me to end up like this. =(. If only poly life is like sec sch now wouldn't that at least be better? Izzwan u owe me one night haahh. For not coming just now. Movies ah next time. Gosh those were the days.